ADA30 Lead On: Celebration of Disability Arts, Culture, Education & Pride
WebAble TV is pleased to re-feature the event, ‘ADA30 Lead On: Celebration of Disability Arts, Culture, Education & Pride’ which took place on-line Thursday, July 23, 2020

NPC Headliners: Driving Economic Growth Through Assistive Tech & Workplace Inclusivity
Former U.S. Senator Tom Harkin, Vinton Cerf, and other influential leaders in disability inclusion, technology, and advocacy discuss how embracing assistive technologies and adopting an inclusive mindset drive U.S. economic…

Dyslexic: My Journey Book Release
A new autobiographical book addressing the remarkable life turn-around of a dyslexic drop-out and garbage man who became an advisor to six U.S. presidents is attracting national attention for the…

An Interview with Dan McManmon, from The College Internship Program (CIP)
In this special presentation, Dan McManmon, President of the College Internship Program (CIP) discusses the value proposition CIP offers to college-age students with Autism.

An Interview with Michael P. Balzano
Dave Gardy of WebAbleTV sits down with author Michael P. Balzano to discuss his new book, Dyslexic: My Journey.

Building a Crowdsourcing based Disabled Pedestrian Level of Service routing application using Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Nicolas Blanc (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HEIG-VD), Switzerland); Zhan Liu (University of Applied Science and arts Western Switzerland & HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Switzerland); Olivier Ertz (University of…

Health-monitoring of pregnant women: Design requirements, and proposed reference architecture
Suman Kumar (Troy University, USA); Yashi Gupta (Lakehead University, USA); Vijay Mago (Lakehead University, Canada)