Jernigan Institute 56:55 Panel Discussion | Evolving U.S. Federal Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape: Legislative, Regulatory, and Enforcement Updates, Expected Impact M-Enabling 2023 Anil Lewis, Brown Goldstein & Levy, Eve Hill, Jennifer Mathis, Jernigan Institute, Lainey Feingold, Law Office of Lainey Feingold, National Federation of the Blind, Sachin Dev Pavithran, U.S. Access Board, U.S. Department of Justice 2 views Round Table: Harvesting Digital Transformations for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion M-Enabling 2022 Anil Lewis, Bianca Prins, Ernst & Young, Frances West, FrancesWestCo, Gautam Rao, Howard A. Rosenblum, ING, Jernigan Institute, National Association of the Deaf, National Federation of the Blind 26 views