Round Table: Harvesting Digital Transformations for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The opening plenary round table of the M-Enabling Summit will examine the increasingly complex interactions between digital transformation and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategies and review how some of the largest organizations in the world manage those interactions and leverage technology and digital accessibility to meet their DEI objectives.
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Panel Discussion | Aging and Technology Policies: The Emergence of a Universal Human Rights Framework for Older Persons
AARP, Bianca Prins, Daniel Frank, Frances West, FrancesWestCo, G3ict Committee on Digital Inclusion and Accessibility for Older Persons, Gary Aussant, Global Initiative on Ageing Foundation (GIA), Global Leadership Council, H.E. Ambassador Luis Gallegos Chiriboga, IAAP East Asia, ING Global Business Accessibility, Michael Phillips, Perkins Access, President