Susanna Laurin Closing: What’s Next for Accessibility Innovations: Top Predictions from Participants M-Enabling 2017 Alfred Sonnenstrahl, Bil Curtis-Davidson, Deaf Seniors of America, Funka, M-Enabling Summit, SSB Bart Group, Susanna Laurin 4486 views IAAP 5th Anniversary Honors M-Enabling 2019 Christopher M. Lee, Funka, G3ict, IAAP, Jay Cardinali, M-Enabling, Susanna Laurin, Walt Disney 2575 views Next Steps for Digital Accessibility Policies and Standards M-Enabling 2022 CGB, Diane Burstein, FCC, Funka, Judy Brewer, Level Access, Sachin Dev Pavithran, Susanna Laurin, Tim Springer, U.S. Access Board, W3C, WAI 16 views Opening Remarks & Advancing the Accessibility Profession M-Enabling 2017 247 Accessible Documents, AudioEye, Axel Leblois, Barclay's, Christopher Lee, Funka, G3ict, IAAP, M-Enabling Summit, Paul Bohman, Paul Smyth, Rob Sinclair, Sharon Spencer, Shilpi Kapoor, Susanna Laurin, Todd Bankofier 5658 views 1:01:50 Panel Discussion | AI-Generated Images: Challenges and Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities M-Enabling 2023 Adobe Systems, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Christopher Patnoe, David Berman, DB Communications, EMEA, EU, GAAD Foundation, Google, Jennison Asuncion, Microsoft, Saqib Shaikh, Susanna Laurin 2 views 1:00:22 Panel Discussion | Preparing for the Upcoming Impact of the European Accessibility Act (EAA) M-Enabling 2023 Alejandro Moledo del Río, Austrian Association for the Blind and Low Vision, Christopher Patnoe, EU, European Commission, European Disability Forum, Google, Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, Klaus Hoeckner, Susanna Laurin 2 views 16:05 Welcome Remarks M-Enabling 2023 Christopher M. Lee, CPACC, EU, G3ict, IAAP, Mark McCusker, Susanna Laurin 2 views