June 12, 1:30pm
Welcome: Axel Leblois, President and Executive Director, G3ict
IAAP President’s kick-off remarks: Rob Sinclair, President of the Global Leadership Council of IAAP.,
IAAP Dashboard: Sharon Spencer, Managing Director of the IAAP
Update on IAAP and accessibility certification programs: Dr. Christopher Lee, Executive Director of AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center at Georgia Institute of Technology, & Dr. Paul Bohman, Director of Training at Deque Systems and Chair of the IAAP Certification Committee Chair,
Global trends in the accessibility profession:
Todd Bankofier, CEO, AudioEye
Shilpi Kapoor, CEO, 247 Accessible Documents
Susana Laurin, CEO, Funka
Paul Smyth, Head of IT Accessibility, Barclay’s