Claude Stout Deaf and Hard of Hearing M-Enabling 2016 Claude Stout, Faruk Tairi, Gallaudet University, Hearing Loss Association of America, Jason Curry, Linda Kozma-Spytek, Lise Hamlin, Mobile Manufacturers Forum, National Association of the Deaf, Sabine Lobnig, sComm, SignAll, T-Meeting, TDI Inc., Zainab Alkebsi, Zsolt Robotka 3948 views Media on the Internet: Accessibility Challenges and Opportunities M-Enabling 2016 ABILITY Magazine, Amazon Lab126, AMI, Audio Description Associates LLC, Chet Cooper, Claude Stout, David Errington, Jessica Looney, Joel Snyder, Knowbility, Mike Paciello, Peter Korn, TDI, The Paciello Group 3376 views