Peter Korn All-inclusive Daily Living: Interacting with Multimedia ADA 25th Anniversary Amazon Lab126, Audio Description Associates LLC, Comcast, Henny Swan, Joel Snyder, Larry Goldberg, Peter Korn, RNIB, Robin Spinks, The Paciello Group, Tom Wlodkowski, Yahoo 3626 views An Interview With Peter Korn Featured Videos Peter Korn 3700 views Closing Talk Show: “Technology Futurology for an Inclusive World” M-Enabling 2016 247 Accessible Documents, Amazon Lab126, Axel Leblois, G3ict, Henry Claypool, Matt Ater, Ned Krause, Peter Korn, RNIB, Shilpi Kapoor, Steve Tyler, University of California San Franciso, VFO 2816 views Innovation for End Users: Too much or Not Enough? M-Enabling 2019 Amazon Lab126, Anne Taylor, Apple, Google, Kiran Kaja, M-Enabling, Microsoft, Peter Korn, Sarah Herrlinger, Sharron Rush 3252 views Interview with Peter Korn CSUN Amazon Lab126, Peter Korn 5415 views 22:11 Keynote: Peter Korn, Director of Accessibility, Amazon Devices and Services; Harnessing the Velocity of Constant Change to Advance Accessibility M-Enabling 2023 Amazon, Peter Korn 1 views Media on the Internet: Accessibility Challenges and Opportunities M-Enabling 2016 ABILITY Magazine, Amazon Lab126, AMI, Audio Description Associates LLC, Chet Cooper, Claude Stout, David Errington, Jessica Looney, Joel Snyder, Knowbility, Mike Paciello, Peter Korn, TDI, The Paciello Group 3376 views Plenary Panel: Game Changers in Human Interfaces M-Enabling 2016 Amazon Lab126, CTA Foundation, Deque Systems, Dylan Barrell, Facebook, Frances West, HLAA, IBM, Jeff Wieland, Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Peter Korn, Steve Ewell 2766 views Plenary Panel: Innovation Meets Accessibility M-Enabling 2018 Amazon Lab126, Andrew Johnson, Gartner Research Group, Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Larry Goldberg, Leonard Cheshire, M-Enabling, Microsoft, Oath, Peter Korn, Steve Tyler 5484 views The Future of Accessibility with Artificial Intelligence and Robotics M-Enabling 2017 Amazon Lab 126, Anil Lewis, Deque, Drew LaHart, IBM Research, Jenny Lay-Flurrie, M-Enabling Summit, Microsoft, NFB, Peter Korn, Preety Kumar, Steve Ewell 7932 views