Jenny Lay-Flurrie Jenny Lay Flurrie: Accessibility in the modern world Featured Videos Jenny Lay-Flurrie 4434 views 23:08 Opening Keynote Address: “The New Chapter for AI” Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Chief Accessibility Officer, Microsoft M-Enabling 2023 Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Microsoft 2 views Plenary Panel: Game Changers in Human Interfaces M-Enabling 2016 Amazon Lab126, CTA Foundation, Deque Systems, Dylan Barrell, Facebook, Frances West, HLAA, IBM, Jeff Wieland, Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Peter Korn, Steve Ewell 2766 views Plenary Panel: Innovation Meets Accessibility M-Enabling 2018 Amazon Lab126, Andrew Johnson, Gartner Research Group, Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Larry Goldberg, Leonard Cheshire, M-Enabling, Microsoft, Oath, Peter Korn, Steve Tyler 5484 views 49:54 Round Table: How AI Is Transforming the Digital Accessibility Eco-system M-Enabling 2023 AAPD - American Association of People with Disabilities, AbilityNet, Be My Eyes, Christopher Patnoe, Google, Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Jhillika Kumar, Maria Town, Mark Walker, Mentra, Microsoft, Mike Buckley 1 views The Future of Accessibility with Artificial Intelligence and Robotics M-Enabling 2017 Amazon Lab 126, Anil Lewis, Deque, Drew LaHart, IBM Research, Jenny Lay-Flurrie, M-Enabling Summit, Microsoft, NFB, Peter Korn, Preety Kumar, Steve Ewell 7931 views