An interview Kiran Kaja, Technical Program Manager (Search Accessibility) at Google SponsorSponsor this video! Posted on February 2, 2019 ATiA 2019 ATIA, Google, Kiran Kaja 5395 views Facebook Twitter Linkedin You may also like 1:01:50 Panel Discussion | AI-Generated Images: Challenges and Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities M-Enabling 2023 Adobe Systems, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Christopher Patnoe, David Berman, DB Communications, EMEA, EU, GAAD Foundation, Google, Jennison Asuncion, Microsoft, Saqib Shaikh, Susanna Laurin 2 views 1:00:22 Panel Discussion | Preparing for the Upcoming Impact of the European Accessibility Act (EAA) M-Enabling 2023 Alejandro Moledo del Río, Austrian Association for the Blind and Low Vision, Christopher Patnoe, EU, European Commission, European Disability Forum, Google, Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, Klaus Hoeckner, Susanna Laurin 2 views 49:54 Round Table: How AI Is Transforming the Digital Accessibility Eco-system M-Enabling 2023 AAPD - American Association of People with Disabilities, AbilityNet, Be My Eyes, Christopher Patnoe, Google, Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Jhillika Kumar, Maria Town, Mark Walker, Mentra, Microsoft, Mike Buckley 1 views